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What to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

Everyone seems to want to make money by joining Google Adsense, why not? Google AdSense is a relatively simple and straightforward way to start making extra money with your efforts. However, since the early days of AdSense, times have changed when activation was less problematic. Applying with AdSense today requires more effort and some preparation so that you can take full advantage of their services.

First, you need a good reason to apply for AdSense in order to take advantage of the benefits it offers. Here you will learn more about what Google Adsense is, what it offers, and how to properly prepare before signing up.

Before using Google Adsense
Google adsense app

What is Google Adsense?

AdSense , one of the most famous advertising networks on the internet, uses pay-per-click (PPC) to help businesses connect with others online. Google once offered AdSense to anyone using Blogspot, but that has changed now.

Today Adsense is one of the most respected companies with thousands of satisfied publishers and customers. Simple, easy to use and always pays off on time, which makes this service very attractive for everyone who wants to use it. If you do it right, this pays more than other similar services on the internet.

However, it is precisely because of their success that it is now difficult to join them. When applying, everything must be correct, otherwise you will not be approved.

How to avoid rejection of your application

There are several things to avoid when applying for an AdSense subscription to prevent cancellation. Here are some of them.

Read Google's recommendations . As a test read, Google publishes its own rules about what it takes to make your site compliant with AdSense. So take the time to read them and make sure your site is up to par.

Have good content : If your website does not have good or sufficient content, it will not be accepted. So make sure you provide enough for their review. In addition, it must be clean, professional, and grammatically correct, otherwise they will have a reason to reject your application.

Aesthetically pleasing : Sleek yellows and plenty of distracting glitter will keep you on your toes when applying for AdSense. Your site should be pleasing to the eye and have a nice strong design that the visitor will love.

Post your contact information: If Google can't find you on your website, you can't apply either. Having an About Us page with a contact form is a minimum requirement.

Now that you've covered the basics, it's time to play it safe by adding a few tips and tricks that will increase your chances of applying for the AdSense program. While there are no guarantees, the following steps will help secure your site.

10 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Applying for AdSense

1. Privacy policy

Having a privacy policy for your blog may seem odd, but it's essential if you want to be approved by AdSense. Without it, you won't be able to apply at all. The policy should describe what your blog visitors can see, do, and not be able to do.

2. Contact information

Enter your contact details here. At the very least, it should include an email address so readers can contact you directly if they have a problem with your blog.

3. About us

This is where you tell people a little bit about who you are, what your business is and how you run it. This is like a landing page for your efforts and is very important when applying for AdSense.

4. Confirm your email address and name

Be sure to include your email address and name on the About Me or Contact Us page so Google can quickly check you out.

5. Confirm your age

Always enter your correct name and date of birth when applying for AdSense. It's mostly for people under 18 but it's important to be honest or you'll never be accepted.

6. Suitable design

Your blog should be attractive, professional and easy to use. You don't have to be fancy or spend thousands of dollars, just keep it clean and tidy.

7. Get more messages

Did you know that Google does not set a minimum number of posts required to join AdSense? However, if you only have a few, don't count on approval. To show that you are serious about your efforts, you must have 500 or more photos before applying and make sure they are at least 500 words long.

8. Remember the rules

No pornography, illegal content, drug ads or other AdSense. It also won't work if all your posts are less than 200 words.

9. Adds value

Your blog or website must provide real value to your audience. This will not only drive people to your site, but it will also impress Google.

10. Single top-level domain

Basically, this means that your domain must be ".com" in order to be successful. In addition, the name itself should be as short as possible, relevant to the area of ​​interest to you and easy to remember.

When you apply for AdSense, you need to consider all these things in order to get accepted. However, all the features required for Google AdSense will help improve the performance of your website . So keep that in mind when you apply for AdSense because the result will be another income generating blog that you can earn later on.

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